
26 enero 2015

Un avance del codex Necron

Los espectros r5 3++ no son infanteria de salto y son bestias...

Los cryptek dan +1 a los protocolos en la unidad en la que esté.

Una unidad que reciba una muerte instantanea puede hacer protocolos pero con un -1

Imotekh es amo de la guerra

El trascendente ya no es criatura gargantuesca

Vuelven el portador y el embaucador. Tienen asalto rabioso el portador y atacar y huir el embaucador. El embaucador baja el.liderazgo en dos puntos a 12" de el

Y el portador tiene que en la fase de disparo una unidad que este en su linea de vision chequee liderazgo con 3d6 comiendose heridas sin posibilidad d salvacion por armadura y cobertura

Cuando mueren los ctanes todas las unidades a 1d6 d ellos se comen un impacto d f4fp1 por cada miniatura en la unidad

Tanto la.cripta como el obelisco estan en el.codex. El obelisco subio a blindaje 14. Pero ya no tiene lo de los disparos a los graviticos de antes. Ahora hacen chequear terreno peligroso incluso a las voladoras a 12" d el.

Los destructores les dan 2 heridas

8 comentarios:

  1. Gracias por la información!

    Muy muy interesante!

  2. Gracias por la información!

    Muy muy interesante!

  3. Pequeñas correcciones:

    El portador tiene fleshbane (antipersona), no asalto rabioso.
    Lo de los protocolos es falso, siempre es a 5+ (salvo mejoras y demás), y puede ser realizado contra todo excepto armas D y ser retirado del juego.
    Lo del Obelisco es a 18.

    1. Gracias por las correcciones. De hecho yo no vi aun el codex excepto la captura y un compañero me pasó la info de memoria porque aunque tenia el codex no lo tenia delante.

  4. De nada.

    Yo te lo confirmo con codex en mano.

  5. Perdón, lo de los protocolos es verdad, heridas que causen MI restan 1 a la tirada.

  6. Gracias de nuevo. Todo lo que quieras añadir. Bienvenido sea!!! ;)

  7. Necron Special Rules:

    Renanimation Protocols – When a model with this rule suffers an unsaved wound, it can make a special reanimation roll to avoid being wounded. This is not a saving throw and can be used against attacks that state “no saves of any kind are allowed”. Reanimation protocols rolls may even be made against hits that cause Instant Death, but cannot be used against hits from Destroyer weapons, or an attack that states the model is removed from play.

    Roll a D6 each time the model suffers an unsaved wound, subtracting 1 if the wound caused Instant Death. On a 5+, discount the unsaved wound. Modifiers to this dice roll can never be improved to better than 4+.

    If a model has both reanimation and FNP, you can choose to use one or the other but not both.

    Living Metal – A model with this special rule ignores the effects of crew shaken, but still loses a hull point. At the end of each of your turns, roll a D6 for each heavy or super heavy vehicle with this special rule that has less than its starting number of hull points, but has not been destroyed. On a roll of a 6 it regains a hull point.

    Technoarcana is as follows:Chronometron – The model and his unit have 5+ invuln. against shooting attacks
    Dispersion shield – Model has 3+ invuln., cannot claim Two Weapon bonus

    Fabricator Claw Array - During shooting phase, instead of shooting, a model with the claw can repair a single friendly vehicle in base contact. D6 roll: on a 4+, restore a hull point or repair weapon destroyed or immobilised result, effective immediately.

    Gloom Prism – Model and all units within 12″ have Adamantium Will.

    Mindshackle Scarabs – During a challenge, model with the scarabs causes Fear. Ld. tests against the model are taken on 3D6.

    Nebuloscope – model ignores cover when shooting

    Phase Shifter – 4+ invuln. save, but only for the model and not any chariot it rides on

    Phylactery – It Will Not Die, for both the model and any chariot it rides on

    Resurrection Orb – Once per game, after an unsuccessful reanimation roll has been made for the model (or another model in the same unit), you can re-roll it and any other failed reanimation rolls (for the model and its unit) until end of phase.

    Quantum Shielding - The vehicle has AV13 all around, but after the first penetrating hit, it falls back to the normal AV values.

    Shadowloom – +1 cover save (6+ in the open)

    Shield Vanes – 3+ armour save

    Artefacts of the Aeons

    Gauntlet of Conflagrator – Template, S7 AP2, Assault 1, One Use Only

    Nightmare Shroud – 2+ armour save and fear. Once per game can force enemy unit within 18″ to take a morale check (Fearless and Know No Fear units are immune)

    Orb of Eternity – See the Resurrection Orb above, except this also gives +1 to the reanimation rolls

    Solar Staff – 12″, S5 AP3, Assault 3, Blind, Solar Pulse

    Solar Pulse: Once per game, at the start of any turn, cancel night fighting for the turn. When activated, enemy units can only fire snap shots at the model and its unit until the staff bearer’s next turn.

    Veil of Darkness – Deep strike. Once per game, can remove itself and its unit from the table and immediately deep strike somewhere else (even if locked in assault)

    Voidreaper – S+2 AP2, Melee, Armourbane, Fleshbane, Master Crafted, Two Handed
